PROJECT A communication package that consists of a podcast and an animated infomercial that takes a humoristic turn on common questions about how to adopt to more sustainable lifestyle.
CLIENT SPP Life Insurance
COLAB Filt AB, Jean Paul Wall, Kjell Eriksson
WHAT The heart and center of the comunication concept is the weekly podcast show, hosted by swedish radioprofile Kjell Eriksson and the CSR officer at SPP. At every show, different celebrities and experts was inviteted as guests to discuss and answer guestions from listeners with the hosts.
An animated infomercial and moving teasers for every show were distributed from the projects own website through social channels together with discussions on the topics discussed in the show.
RESULTS The show profiled their CSR officer Stina Billinger as one of the main voices in the public debate of sustainable development in Sweden.
STATS The podcast ran from May 2013 to June 2014 and has up to date approximately 80 000 unique downloads.