Posts Tagged ‘Content Design’

Patterns of the Biosphere

Patterns of the Biosphere Client: Svenskt Tenn –  Exhibition design, concept and artistic intervention Exhibition on ecological economics Exhibition open: 15th of April to 15th of June 2015 Guringo was commisioned to develop a concept for an exhibition that presents cutting edge sustainability research in ecological economics in the Svenskt Tenn flagship store at Strandvägen,…

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Sapir Magazine

TIPPING POINT Client: Svenskt Tenn Sapir Magasin Client: SPP Storebrand SAPIR MAGASIN PROJECT  A digital platform and magazine, containing the latest in sustainable lifestyle. CASE Create concept design, direction, editing and creative direction The magazine was launched february the first in the winter of 2015. A digital lifestylemagazine where sustainability equals quality. The webb-based magazine contains of articles…

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